The following constitutes the governance structures of Western South Africa and Namibia:
South Africa
Western National Insurance Company Ltd (South Africa) Directors
A Sangqu *~Z Matsau *~
S Chikumba *~
L Lambrechts *~
R Visser *~
C Masondo *⁰
J Hellweg^⁰
J Nel *⁰
J Melville *~
Western Administration Services (Pty) Ltd Directors
J Nel *°W Nel *⁰
Western Group Holdings Limited Company Ltd Directors
JJ Fourie ^˜J Hellweg ^˚
T Mberirua ^˜
J Nel *˚
F Kapofi ^˜
A Sangqu *˜
G Michaels ^˜
Western National Insurance Company Ltd (Namibia) Directors
JJ Fourie ^˜J Hellweg ^˚
T Mberirua ^˜
J Nel *˚
F Kapofi ^˜
A Sangqu *˜
G Michaels ^˜
* South African^ Namibian
˜ Non Executive Director
° Executive Director